King & Country

King and Country's broad diversity of historical eras and subjects is unparalleled in the toy soldiers world. They have been in Business since 1983 and it was in the late 1990's when they began to change the industry and start producing matte finished highly detailed toy soldiers in 1/30 scale. K&C has been our most popular brand for over a decade.
Refine your search
World War II - D Day'44 (Americans)
World War II - Germans - Werhmacht, Waffen SS
World War II - Germans - The Fallschirmjager
In the Time of the Pharaohs
Napoleonic - British
Napoleonic - French
Berlin'38 Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler
American Civil War - Confederates
American Revolution - Americans
Ceremonials - British Scots Guards
Christmas Set
China - Streets of Old Hong Kong
World War II - Germans - Afrika Korps
World War II - 8th Army (British)
World War II - Battle Of The Bulge (Americans)
World War II - Sands Of Iwo Jima
American Revolution - British, Hessians & Indians
World War II - Russian Army
World War II - D Day'44 (British)
World War II - Fields of Battle
China - The Imperial Collection
Remember The Alamo
Diorama Accessories
Crusader: Cross & Crescent
World War I Germans
Warbirds - Very Limited Editions
World War II - Battle Of The Bulge (Germans)
World War II - Operation Market Garden
World War I British
World War II - D Day'44 (Free French & Resistance)
Napoleonic - Russian
American Civil War - Union
Storm Over The Yangtse - USN in China 1920's-30's
U.S. Air Force
World War II - German - Luftwaffe
Napoleonic - Dutch
The Real West
World War II - D Day'44 (Canadians)
World War II - Italian Forces
World War II - British RAF
The Life of Jesus
World War I - Shanghai 1926
World War I - Backing Up The Navy
Sons of Empire - Indian Army
World War I - Australian Light Horse at Beersheba
Special Forces
World War II - German - Kriegsmarine
World War I French
World War I - Turkish Soldiers at Beersheba
Napoleon in Egypt
Ancient Greek
World War I - Lawrence of Arabia
Crimean War
World War I--Middle East--British Infantry
Heroes of China
World War II--Germans--Wehrmacht
Pike and Musket
World War I--Australian First Infantry Division
The World of Dickens
World War II - Imperial Japanese Forces
Napoleonic: Gordon Highlanders
World War I - Gallipoli 1915
Robin Hood
World Leaders
World War I Russians
Ceremonials - Swiss Guard
WWI U.S. Navy
World War II - Battle of the Bulge (British)
The Great Escape
Beginners' Bonus Gift Sets
World War I--New Zealand Mounted Rifles
Israeli Defense Force
Colonial Hong Kong
Berlin '38--German SA (Stormtroopers/Sturmabteilung)
United States Marine Corps
Kings X Club
Egyptian and Syrian Armies (1960's)
Vietnam War
The Romans: Barbarians
La Maison Rose Danish Royal Guard
The Royals
Ceremonials--Garrison Duties: 1st Battalion, The Black Watch, Edinburgh, 1935
Ceremonials--Trooping the Colour
Napoleonic Italian Grenadiers of the Guards
The Cattle Drivers
Napoleonic Polish Vistula Lancers
Ceremonials: The Royals
The Falklands
Publications and Calendars
Kokoda 1942 - The Long, Bloody Trail
Ceremonials: The Coldstream Guards
North West Mounted Police
Ceremonials: The Yeomen of the Guard
Horror Stories
Egypt: The Discovery of Tutankhamun
Hong Kong All Our Yesterdays (1960s)
Arnhem 1944
Black Hawk Down
Rock 'n' Roll
"Dead Sergeant, Dead Horse"--single dead 7th Cavalry figure lying on…
King & Country
Item Number: TRW181
"Stands Tall’ Firing Carbine"--single Cheyenne ‘Dog soldier’…
King & Country
Item Number: TRW179
"The Plains Warrior"--single mounted Sioux Indian figure
King & Country
Item Number: TRW182
'Black Knife', Crouching Apache Warrior--single figure
King & Country
Item Number: TRW192
'White Cloud', Advancing Apache Archer--single figure
King & Country
Item Number: TRW193
10th Cavalry Trooper Kneeling Ready--single figure
King & Country
Item Number: TRW120
10th Cavalry Trooper Standing Ready--single figure
King & Country
Item Number: TRW121
10th Cavalry Trooper Turning Shooting--single figure
King & Country
Item Number: TRW122
5th Cavalry Regimental Flagbearer--single mounted US Cavalry figure…
King & Country
Item Number: TRW146
American Flag--single mounted Native American Indian figure with…
King & Country
Item Number: TRW168
Apache Prisoner... & Apache Guard--two figures
King & Country
Item Number: TRW141
Black Cloud--single mounted Northern Cheyenne Indian figure
King & Country
Item Number: TRW155
Bloody Lance--single mounted Cheyenne Dog Soldier with spear
King & Country
Item Number: TRW175
Bloody Lance--single mounted Sioux warrior figure prepares to throw…
King & Country
Item Number: TRW059(P)
Breech Cloth--single Lakota Sioux figure under horse figure
King & Country
Item Number: TRW157
Buffalo Soldiers Sergeant with Guidon--single figure
King & Country
Item Number: TRW116
Bugler John Martin--single U.S. Cavalry figure
King & Country
Item Number: TRW089
CALVERA, the Bandito Chief--single mounted figure
King & Country
Item Number: TRW205
Captain Tom Custer--single U.S. Cavalry figure
King & Country
Item Number: TRW097
Corporal Crouching Loading Carbine, John Ford's Cavalry--single figure
King & Country
Item Number: TRW198
Corporal Lying Firing Carbine--single 7th Cavalry figure
King & Country
Item Number: TRW152