Shop by Scale: 54mm
54mm French Napoleonic Grenadiers 1805 - 1812 (16 figures)--AWAITING…
Victrix Limited
Item Number: VX5402
54mm French Napoleonic Voltigeurs 1805 - 1812 (16 figures)--AWAITING…
Victrix Limited
Item Number: VX5403
6" Howitzer, with Five Man Crew Firing,Foot Artillery of the Guard,…
Frontline Figures
Item Number: FAG.1
76th Pennsylvania Union Zouaves--20 figures in 10 poses--Medium Blue
Armies in Plastic
Item Number: 5438
Regular Price: $13.95
Sale: $12.00
78th Highland Regiment Piper, 1870--single figure--RETIRED--LAST TWO!!
W. Britains Retired
Item Number: 10042
7th Regiment of Foot (Royal Fusiliers), Battle of Cowpens--three…
W. Britains Retired
Item Number: 17581
92nd (Gordon) Highlanders Charging, 1815--eight painted metal figures…
Tradition of London
Item Number: 739
92nd (Gordon) Highlanders, 1815--eight painted metal figures…
Tradition of London
Item Number: 738
92nd (Gordon) Highlanders, 1815--seven painted metal figures
Tradition of London
Item Number: 737
9th New York Union Zouaves--20 figures in 10 poses--dark blue
Armies in Plastic
Item Number: 5435
Regular Price: $13.95
Sale: $12.00
A Gun Crew of HMS Victory--Gun captain and 5 crew in action with a 32…
Tradition of London
Item Number: 93
Details Out of Stock
ACW Bales of Cotton--two bales-- TWO TO THREE MONTHS' WAIT!
JG Miniatures/Sheffield Miniatures
Item Number: M37
ACW C.S. Command--9 figure plus 1 horse figure (grey plastic)
Expeditionary Force
Item Number: 54ACW06G
ACW C.S.A. Zouaves, version 2--9 figures (gray plastic)
Expeditionary Force
Item Number: 54ACW10G
ACW C.S.A.. Militia (Shell Jackets), version 2--9 figures (gray…
Expeditionary Force
Item Number: 54ACW05G
ACW Confederate Firing Line--16 figures in 8 poses, GRAY
Toy Soldiers of San Diego (TSSD)
Item Number: TSSD01G
ACW Limber & 12 pounder with 4 horses (gray driver & rider) --…
Classic Toy Soldiers (CTS)
Item Number: CTS784B
ACW Limber and 12 pounder with 4 horses (blue driver & rider) --…
Classic Toy Soldiers (CTS)
Item Number: CTS784A
Details Out of Stock
ACW Limber and 24 pound Howitzer with 4 horses (blue driver & rider)…
Classic Toy Soldiers (CTS)
Item Number: CTS786A
ACW Limber and 24 pound Howitzer with 4 horses (Gray driver &…
Classic Toy Soldiers (CTS)
Item Number: CTS786B