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Mog. Militiaman Lying Firing his RPK Light Machine Gun--single prone Aideed’s Armed Militia figure

Future Release

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King & Country

Item Number: BHD025

Mog. Militiaman Lying Firing his RPK Light Machine Gun

This weapon was introduced in the early 1960s and could be fitted with either a 75-round drum magazine (as shown in the K&C figure) or a longer curved 45-round magazine with a forward bipod and used as a light squad automatic weapon.  Rugged and reliable, it is still in service today with some former Soviet bloc countries and several armies in Africa and Asia.

SPECIAL NOTE:  Aideed’s Armed Militia Mohamed Farrah Aideed was one of the most important ‘Clan’ leaders in Somalia during the 1980s and well into the 1990s, making large sums of money through arms smuggling, drug trafficking, and stealing United Nations supplied food relief and medical supplies. To protect him, his family and their fiefdom Aideed had built up a well-armed militia of men, women, and children who were both fanatically loyal to him personally and liberally supplied with all kinds of lethal weaponry usually from Moscow.  These included the inevitable AK-47s… shoulder launched SA-7 surface-to-air missiles, plus a whole range of heavy weapons, including tanks, armoured personnel carriers, and, of course, hundreds of RPGs. 

In mid 1993, Mogadishu, anyone could purchase or obtain any weapon or indeed any complete weapon system that was currently on the market.  For example, the latest Russian made RPG (Rocket Propelled Grenade) cost as little as US$10:00 each … What a bargain!!!   

MILITIA DRESS CODE:  As you can see, a Uniform Code of Dress never existed in Aideed’s Militia.  His band of thugs was indeed a sight to behold,   with no two members being dressed the same way.

Due to be released in MARCH 2025.