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The Hunter Becomes The Hunted--single prone Indian figure, gored horse, and angry bison--RETIRED--DAMAGED
Regular Price: $179.00
Sale: $129.99

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-"Damaged Goods" and Toy Soldier Hospital!

Item Number: TRW173-DMG

"The Hunter Becomes The Hunted" - THE INDIAN HAS A BROKEN ARM - Otherwise it is great!

In the years when huge herds of magnificent American Bison roamed far and wide, they provided virtually everything the Indian Tribes that shared that land required.  Bison or Buffalo hunting was a vitally important activity fundamental to the everyday economy and society of the Plains Indians tribes who lived on the vast grasslands of the interior Plains of North America.  Prior to the near-extinction of the buffalo in the late 19th Century, every year, the tribes would follow the migrating herds of animals and hunt and kill only as many as they would need to feed and clothe themselves throughout the winter and into the next spring.  Hunting these great animals, especially from a horse, demanded great skill and bravery and accidents, sometimes fatal, could and did happen to both rider and horse…

Here is one such example... A young warrior and his horse have misjudged their approach to an already wounded and enraged buffalo.  The angry beast turns suddenly, goring the horse's belly, and bringing it down on top of its rider.  The buffalo is now about to trample both horse and Indian as they lie trapped and helpless on the ground.  Unless someone can rescue them.

Released in DECEMBER 2020.