The Gallipoli Whale Boat--single boat and Navy coxswain--RETIRED. - GA008 - Metal Toy Soldiers - Products
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The Gallipoli Whale Boat--single boat and Navy coxswain--RETIRED.
Regular Price: $139.00
Sale: $99.99

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King & Country

Item Number: GA008


The Gallipoli Whale Boat


ANZAC (Australian & New Zealand Army Corps) troops were ferried ashore from the transport ships by a fleet of wooden life boats and whale boats manned by Royal Navy personnel.  Some were towed behind steam launches, while others were rowed ashore by “Matelots” (sailors).  Our K&C waterline “Whale Boat” comes complete with a Naval cox'n at the tiller and can accommodate up to 24 seated soldiers.

Notice:  A Royal Navy Steam Launch will be released later this year as well as sailors to “man” the oars.