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Regiment von Donop, 1776--single firing figure

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W. Britain

Item Number: 16177

Regiment von Donop, 1776

A brigade of Hessian Grenadiers and Jaegers, known as Regiment von Donop, had at its command Count Carl Emil von Donop.  It was perhaps the most elite Hessian force to deploy to America at that time.  The Regiment von Donop made its battlefield debut in the village of Flat Bush on Long Island in August of 1776.  Due to their stellar performance, the regiment was given the honor of leading the major assault on the American lines on 27 August, during the battle of Long Island.  The pursuit of Washington’s army during New York and New Jersey campaign brought the brigade of 3,000 men to the furthest point south of the Crown force’s occupation.  Around 30,000 Germans fought for the British during the war, around 25 percent of all British land forces. 

1/30 Scale
 Matte Finish
 1 Piece Set

Released in JULY 2024.