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Long Range Patrol at Rest, WWII (re-issue)--56 figures in 14 poses (unpainted)--AWAITING RESTOCK.

Future Release

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Strelets (Russia)

Item Number: STRM143

Long Range Patrol at Rest, WWII (re-issue)

The Long Range Patrol was established in June 1940 to monitor the huge Libyan desert, and then to do reconnaissance on enemy movements and occasionally mount small raids to disrupt enemy installations.  Soon the name was changed to the Long Range Desert Group (LRDG), which would find fame for its activities far behind enemy lines, bringing much useful information back to the British military HQ.  The nature of their missions varied, but usually entailed a very long drive through the desert to some point far behind the lines, then some form of monitoring or information gathering, often lasting some days itself, and then the long drive home, all the time wary of discovery by enemy patrols, particularly aircraft.  So much time was spent in the vehicles travelling, or extricating one from soft sand, or otherwise dealing with mishaps along the way, and when the patrol stopped for the day there was still much to do, cleaning weapons, maintaining equipment, concealing vehicles, establishing their exact location, etc.  Only when all was done did they have a chance to rest, and try to sleep in a very uncomfortable environment, ready for an early start the following day.

Date Released:  2020
Contents:  56 figures in 14 poses
Material:  Plastic (Medium Consistency)
Color:  light tan

Average Height:  24 mm (= 1.73 m)