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French Foreign Legion in Camp, Rif War--52 figures in 13 poses (unpainted)

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Strelets (Russia)

Item Number: STRM146

French Foreign Legion in Camp, Rif War

It is a common misconception that the French Foreign Legion spent much of their time defending forts deep in the desert, and the box artwork for this and other sets seems to reinforce this, but in fact the typical operation involved a column marching for days into some sparsely-populated region where they might hope to come across and defeat some opposition before facing the long march back to base.  Long endurance marches were something for which the Legion was famed, and the men could find themselves carrying packs of 35kg or more, although their ability to do so was a source of pride for the legionnaires.  Needless to say, when the march ended for the day, it was a great relief, although there was still the task of setting up the overnight camp to be done before any thought of rest could be entertained.

Date Released:  2020
Contents:  52 figures in 13 poses
Material:  Plastic (Medium Consistency)
Color:  light blue

Average Height:  24 mm (= 1.73 m)