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Late August....

August 21, 2014

Hump day (for me anyways working Tue-Sat)! I was trying to get some news out last week for you guys but time is not on my side lately. We have a lot going on with sorting out and reviewing collections, getting ready for the Chicago show (we are working on a few foam models and dioramas) and getting end of year taxes done. We just picked up 20 or so 1/6 scale action figures, a pile of Star Wars collectibles and many other odds and ends yesterday. All the merchandise from Comic Con has been put back in the store. It was a cool show to attend I believe they had over 35K people attend. We met hundreds of people that never heard of us so the long grueling hours were worth it. Here are a few pictures of our booth and a crowd shot. The case worked out great, it housed all of our vintage toys. Checking out the numerous people dressed up in costume was quite the experience. Next road trip will be the National Capital Show Sept. 13th. This month in Metal Toy Soldier Announcements.... King and Country - August Releases are starting to trickle in.
First Legion Ltd  - World War I French just announced
Figarti Miniatures - Finally the Doolittle Planes (B-25's) have arrived (see below). John Jenkins Designs - August releases now in stock. The Collector's Showcase - see photos and link below
Thomas Gunn Miniatures - The latest shipment has arrived.
Plastic Soldiers - Two new sets from Toy Soldiers of San Diego have been announced.  Set #26 Mexican cavalry in Light Blue and Red and set #27 German Infantry.