SW Legion: Paploo's Wild Ride @ 1PM-5PM
January 28, 2024
Venue: Hobby Bunker

SW Legion: Paploo's Wild Ride @ 1PM-5PM
Even the smallest beings can change the course of a battle. That’s exactly what happened when the Ewok Paploo stole an Imperial speeder bike in the lead-up to the Battle of Endor. His grand theft speeder bike gambit succeeded in drawing the Imperial guards away from the Death Star’s shield bunker, giving the Rebel strike team the opening it needed to launch its sabotage mission. Soon, you’ll be able to wade into the chaos unleashed by Paploo in the Paploo’s Wild Ride Organized Play Kit for Star Wars™: Legion!
In this scenario, a Paploo token begins the game in the center of the battlefield facing a table edge that does not belong to either player. As players battle according to the objective card chosen for the game, they’ll also be faced with Paploo piloting his stolen speeder bike around the battlefield. The speeder bike controls weren’t engineered with Ewoks in mind, however, so his path can be a bit erratic.
ARMY: 800pts
CONSTRUCTION: Normal construction rules
GIVEAWAYS: You will get an Alt Card and the Paploo scenario to run!
External Link: https://fb.me/e/34j6P80us