Hobby Bunker Annual Games Day 2022
August 27, 2022
Venue: 103 Albion St. Wakefield
Hobby Bunker Annual Historical Games Day.
We are holding our annual event again. It will be one day this year.
We are holding our annual event again. It will be one day this year.
Location? Here at 103 Albion Street in the Game Loft.
In the past this has mostly been historicals but we have requests for RPG's, Sci-fi and other games.
We will do 3 Sessions on Saturday (10AM, 2PM and 6PM)
We will have a minimal fee to play, maybe $5.00
matt@hobbybunker.com or 781 321-8855 with questions or to run a game.
Let me know if you want to run a game ASAP.