Bolt Action: Normandy @ 11AM-6PM
March 23, 2024
Venue: Hobby Bunker

We will be playing a handful of linked pick up games on Saturday March 23 starting at 11am.
The plan is to fill as many tables as possible
1. Crossroads (capture a strategic location to pass follow on forces main team objective)
2. Capture the Gun Emplacement (control a central objective of artillery pieces giving other teammates on other tables the ability to use officers like FOs
3. Capture the airfield (control the control tower giving other teammates on other tables the ability to use officers like FOs)
4. Capture the oil depot (if th axis team loses this all axis players reduce vehicle speed by 33%)
2. Capture the Gun Emplacement (control a central objective of artillery pieces giving other teammates on other tables the ability to use officers like FOs
3. Capture the airfield (control the control tower giving other teammates on other tables the ability to use officers like FOs)
4. Capture the oil depot (if th axis team loses this all axis players reduce vehicle speed by 33%)
The idea here is to play a handful of separate games but have them all impact each other for a more interesting narrative feel. Think one big operation all at once and each table is just a sub mission.
We are asking that individuals bring 1000 point lists with a bench of 250 points. The purpose of the 250 points is to facilitate new or curious players who want to get into the action
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